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Sometimes when I hear from charity professionals and charity leaders, they mostly talk about fundraising, total income, bank statement balance etc. I have not seen many talking about governance, compliance, project delivery and treating donations as someone else’s promise which charity must deliver and deliver quickly. Does running a charity really mean making money only?

In ethical terms and principally this is not the case. Charities are registered for good causes and to relieve people of their suffering. Charities do not mean making money and claiming every year that we have become this million charity this year compared to last year. More income means more deliveries and more deliveries mean more compliance and constant good governance. But why is this the case that the spending of many bigger charities circle around 60 to 70% only? Someone needs to look at it somehow.

Some charities think making money is their first objective, well yes, but delivering projects against already raised funds is a much bigger duty of a charity. When you deliver, only then charity retain its donors, not just by taking non-tangible funds and keeping them on hold without deliveries.

Donations are donors’ hard-earned money. These donors wish to make a change in someone’s life. Their smaller donations should be taken seriously. These small donations hold an equal value to the donation from a major donor.

Lastly, charities are always scared of the charity commission. What I want to say to all charities is do not fear the charity commission. The charity commission is there to guide you and give you all the tools you need to run your charity. The charity commission is your friend and not your enemy. Rely on the charity commission, and ask them for guidance at every step, they are there to help you. And do not hold on to funds, there are millions out there waiting for relief, keeping your account balance high won’t make any difference in someone’s life. And it is not fair to your donors as well.


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